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Our detailed plans over the next 12 months (from September 2023 – August 2024 include:


  • Retaining existing membership levels and increasing these where possible, in line with human resources;

  • Increasing our financial and organisational resilience, by:

  • Increased earned income from membership subscriptions

  • Increased grant income and from other philanthropic sources, focussing on multi-year funding

  • Invest further in our people – volunteers; CPD/inspiration for session facilitators

  • Improve our governance – training for Board; development and review of key policies/procedures; attract new Board members with time and skills; regularly review our Risk Review and Management Plan

  • Improve methods for on-going monitoring and evaluation to demonstrate our impact, including regular gathering of feedback from members and parents/carers

  • Extend the creative offer and provide inspiration for existing members by: providing new art-form experiences/sessions with sessional facilitators with differing skills; bringing in performers/directors/writers etc – where possible in person; and if not, digitally

  • Where possible, attend professional/other productions together; and encourage members to watch digital versions of productions

  • Build up to larger-scale productions with increased resources; and deliver these more effectively

  • Increase visibility amongst potential members and wider local community through improved communications

  • Increase number of, and management and support of volunteers, both to increase capacity and engage with our wider community

  • In the longer term, to involve young people in the running of Stretford Children’s Theatre: by inviting relevant alumni to the Board; by setting up a young people’s advisory group consisting of existing members’; develop ‘placement package’.

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